An Encouraging Word

Wise Words are a daily messages, used to encourage and start individals days off with God's words. Starting in 2008, as a way to encourage a co-workers, i started writing emails of God's Love, Grace and Mercy. Now just two years later, i have a emailing list that is reaching hundreds of people. i hope these words serve as a means to encourage and profess God's Work in your life. Thank you, for blessing me and i hope you will be blessed as well.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wise Words - 5 Minutes

When the alarm sounds, it is like a starting pistol starting a race. As the clock starts, engines roar and the race to get to work on time begins. Utilizing every calculated minute, breakfast is timed and modified, the shower is timed, the shaving is timed, preparing the kid(s) is timed, even ensuring the dog is taken out is timed. All this preparation just to finish the race before "clock-in time". But where is your time with God. We get trapped into a routine that we neglect the most important time in the morning. Our morning conversation with God.

What is the first thing you do, when you wake up? i have made it a habit to call on my Heavenly Father, not just because i should but because when i enter in to His Grace and acknowledged His Love and covering over me, i feel better. It is like having my morning tea, without it my day, just doesn't feel adequate and becomes unbalanced.

To ensure that i pray and enter God into my morning, i wake up at least 5 minutes early. Instead of just washing my face and body in soap and water, i make sure that i bathe my mind, body, and spirit in God's Grace, giving thanks to Him for allowing me to wake. 5 minutes compared to an entire day isn't a lot of time, but we have to wake up. Wake up and acknowledge your source that will exceed your expectations, love, mercy and grace.

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation...The arrogant cannot stand in your presence, you hate all who do wrong...But I, by your great mercy, will come into you house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple." Psalm 5:3,5,7

God is Love and He Loves you and so do i

Copyright2011 Wise Words/Tharp

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