An Encouraging Word

Wise Words are a daily messages, used to encourage and start individals days off with God's words. Starting in 2008, as a way to encourage a co-workers, i started writing emails of God's Love, Grace and Mercy. Now just two years later, i have a emailing list that is reaching hundreds of people. i hope these words serve as a means to encourage and profess God's Work in your life. Thank you, for blessing me and i hope you will be blessed as well.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wise Words - Spiritual Gifts

"Institutional minded, i'm left blinded from perceptions of this world.  How can a god love me and hate me at the same time?  Arrows blazed with flames, it looks like Hell is surrounding me.  Asking for water, as sweat forms my brow, i since time is running out.  No one around to help me, i stand still and burn.  To tired to move, to scared to fight, to prideful to ask for forgiveness, i lay in my fiery pit.  Frustrated with what i see, i become my surroundings, and my mind becomes blinded from the scorching arrows that fly by night, and the menacing arrows that come by day." (Poem)
Living in a time of devastation and pain, it is easy to fall into traps of despair.  Children are being timelessly slain, illnesses plague the young and old.  Economies are stagnate, while communities become no existent.  The backbone of a thriving world has become weak...but we aren't made to be blind.  We are all born with a purpose, even in our corrupted was God has a plan for us to learn, live and strive towards His Greatness.  For even a blind man has spiritual eyes that will allow Him to see. 
Don't become blinded by pain, or from what this world brings.  But yearn for your spiritual gifts that God has planted inside of you.
"You know that then when you were pagans somehow or other you were influenced and led astray by idols.  Therefore I tell you no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed, " and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord." except buy the Holy Spirit.  There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."     I Corinthians 12:2-6
God is Love and He Loves you and so do i
Copyright2010 Wise Words/Tharp

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