An Encouraging Word

Wise Words are a daily messages, used to encourage and start individals days off with God's words. Starting in 2008, as a way to encourage a co-workers, i started writing emails of God's Love, Grace and Mercy. Now just two years later, i have a emailing list that is reaching hundreds of people. i hope these words serve as a means to encourage and profess God's Work in your life. Thank you, for blessing me and i hope you will be blessed as well.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wise Words - Give Thanks

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thes.5:18
Having the ability to give appreciation is a gift.  As simple as it sounds, everyone doesn't have the gratitude associated with humble gestures.  A lot of times we take for granted the luxuries, and spoils of life.  We associate pleasantries, gifts and blessings as day to day living, never appreciating, never verbally stating or acknowledging gratitude.  A friend of mine nephew was shot and killed yesterday.  My vigorous uncle's health is now dwindling away.  My profound father, sometimes doesn't even know my name.  How in the world can i stand and be thankful, when i see pain, suffering and turmoil?
But i still praise Him...
i praise Him, because my friend isn't the one shot, but living and ministering.  i praise Him because of the many healthy memories i have of my uncle, and the mind he still has.  i praise Him because, even though a disease plagues the mind of my father, a day comes when he calls me by my name.  i praise Him because in the mist of it all, God's Will is for me, as it is for you.  Minimize the complaints and be grateful for this day and the blessings whether big or small.
God is Love and He Loves you and so do i
Copyright2010 Wise Words/Tharp

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