An Encouraging Word

Wise Words are a daily messages, used to encourage and start individals days off with God's words. Starting in 2008, as a way to encourage a co-workers, i started writing emails of God's Love, Grace and Mercy. Now just two years later, i have a emailing list that is reaching hundreds of people. i hope these words serve as a means to encourage and profess God's Work in your life. Thank you, for blessing me and i hope you will be blessed as well.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wise Words - Buildiing the Body

What good is a logical mind if you have a foolish heart, or a strong leg with a broken foot. Better yet what good is a loyal husband who is married to a lustful wife. Our body's are strategically manufactured to work together, much like a marriage, or a team. But when one part of the body is off-line it causes the entire body to struggle.

We all have a purpose, and one purpose is to edify each other, much like a small bone accompanied with many creates, a strong hand. We are all formed to create something bigger than what we currently are, but if we allow our minds to dwell in our sufferings, and our hearts to live in despair our lives and the lives around us will suffer. But if we learn to rejoice, even in our suffering, then we all will be able to rejoice. For we are all linked and represent parts of the body.

In high school, i had a hair line fracture in my ankle, that caused me to distort my walk. The tiny fracture, caused my whole appearance to be distorted, but more importantly it caused my mind to be distorted. To heal my body and my mind, i had to rest and restore my ankle. Friends take time to heal your mind, body and soul. Take time to build your body.

"Now the body is not made up of one part but many. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored every part rejoices with it." 1 Corinthians 12:14 &26

God is Love and He Loves you and so do i

Copyright2011 Wise Words/Tharp

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